瑞典驻华大使雍博瑞先生推荐 我首先推荐斯德哥尔摩。我认为斯德哥尔摩是很值得一去的地方,它是一个建立在湖海之间的城市,它是一个很美丽、清洁、很有人情味的城市,还有很多美食,也是一个购物的天堂。瑞典的设计很有名,尤其是在水晶玻璃方面,北欧是一个重要的流派。斯德哥尔摩还有一个老城区,有800多年的历史。那里有一个vasa博物馆,它建在一艘有400多年历史的船上,是世界上最美的博物馆。那艘船很不幸,刚建成时却由于平衡问题没解决好,当着国王的面就沉到了海底。300年后被打捞起来还保存得很好。还有瑞典的冰旅馆也很有特色,是世界上独一无二的。十几年前的冬天,瑞典北部省Lappland的Jukkasjri村的村民们,用村边Torne河里结的冰建起了一座50平方米的冰房子,用来作旅馆。这一创意立即吸引了世界各地游客。冰旅馆的特别之处还在于每年天气转暖后,冰建筑就会逐渐融化回归河流,因此冰旅馆是每年冬天重新建造的,每一年它的造型和布局都不一样。如今冰旅馆的规模不断扩大,已是当初的10多倍,新建的冰旅馆需要3000多吨冰来砌成,可房间仍然供不应求。
Ambassador of Sweden: Mr Carl Borje Ljunggren Stockholm and Ice-made Hotel
First, I recommend Stockholm — the capital of Sweden. Built between lakes and seas, it is a beautiful, clean city and full of human interest. There are many delicacies here and it is also a shopping paradise. The design of Sweden, especially in the sphere of crystal glass, is quite well known, and North Europe is an important school in this field. Besides, Stockholm has an old district with a history of more than 800 years. The most beautiful museum in the world, with a name of Vasa, is also there. The museum was built on a 400-year-old ship. This ship was very unfortunate — when it was completed, the ship sank to the bottom of the sea at the very presence of the king due to a balance problem which had not been solved. But the ship was kept very well when it was lifted out of water 300 years later. Secondly, the Swedish ice-made hotels also have distinguishing features and are unparalleled in the world. In a winter more than a decade ago, in the northern Swedish province of Lappland, villagers at Jukkasjri Village used ices from Tornr River at the edge of their village to build an ice house with a floor space of 50 square meters as a hotel. The ice hotel attracted various travelers from around the world all at once. When the weather changes to warm every year, the ice-made hotel will melt gradually and the water will return to the river. So the hotel must be rebuilt every winter, and its modeling and layout are also different every time. Nowadays, the size of the ice-made hotel is extending continuously, rising to as many as 10 times its previous scale. The newest ice-made hotel needs 3,000 tons of ice for construction, but demand for the rooms still exceeds their supply.