一位加拿大著名学者曾经用“一座伟大的丰碑”来赞美塞浦路斯的美丽。只为中国游客挑选一个最值得去景点是一件几乎不可能完成的任务,因为塞浦路斯美丽的地方太多了。即便如此我还是为中国朋友选了几个景点: Aphrodite’s rock 是爱神的出生地;临海的王冢 (Tombs of Kings) 是一个古希腊历史遗迹,距离帕福斯市区不过几分钟车程,那里不是君王而是古希腊和罗马时代帕福斯富人的长眠之地;狄俄尼索斯之家 (House of Dionysus)建于公元2世纪的罗马式别墅,在经过1900年的岁月洗礼和公元4世纪的一场地震后,建筑已荡然无存,但所留下的大量镶嵌式图画,却成了吸引旅客的瑰宝。
Ambassador of Cyprus: Mr Petros Kestoras
A well-known Canadian scholar once praised that Cyprus is “a great monument.” It is almost an impossible task to select several scenic spots worthy of a visit for Chinese travelers, as there are so many beautiful places in our homeland. Still, I would like to recommend some scenic spots: Aphrodite’s Rock, — the birthplace of Cupid. And the Tombs of Kings — a historic site of ancient Greece which is close to the sea. It is several minutes drive from the city proper of Paphos. The scenic spot is the tombs of the riches of Paphos in Roman times instead of kings. The last one I would like to say is the House of Dionysus, a Roman-style villa built in the 2nd century. After experiencing a test of times for 1,900 years and an earthquake in the 4th century, the main construction of the building has been destroyed. But a great deal of inlaid pictures, which were left from the construction, have now become the gems attracting travelers.